I’m Juergen K. Tossmann, and I write Historical Fiction and Other Things

Chapters of WHEN KENNEDY WENT TO BERLIN are posted regularly

Juergen K. Tossmann


Image of the writer taken by Andrew McMurtrie

I’m Juergen K. Tossmann. I immigrated to America in the late 1950’s with my parents. My mother German and father Yugoslavian, children of war, were looking for a new life in a new land.

When we arrived, a presidential election was in full force and John Fitzgerald Kennedy offered hope and change and reflected a youthful approach to politics.

The new decade was dubbed the “Turbulent '60s” and the struggles for civil rights, human rights, immigrant rights, and personal freedoms led to protests and civil unrest.

As Bob Dylan wrote —

The Times They Are A Changin

My book WHEN KENNEDY WENT TO BERLIN addresses the challenges of an immigrant family making their way to a new land with nothing more than a suitcase for each. It follows Klaus and his family as they struggle through the decade in their quest to achieve the “American Dream.”

Each chapter is short and meant to lead the reader through the evolution of Klaus and his family. These characters search for purpose, identity, love, acceptance, hope, understanding, and empathy.

There is a commonality among immigrants and I’m hoping this book addresses those common experiences. All people continue to struggle with issues addressed in my book, and that is why I feel compelled to write about the challenges all of us face.

I’ve been on Medium since April of 2021 and I plan to continue working on this book through its conclusion. My goal is to publish a chapter a week. I’ve also been working on other stories and articles.

I’m honored to have my work chosen for publication in ILLUMINATION Book Chapters by Dr. Mehmet Yildiz.

I hope you take a read. I’m always looking for feedback!

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4

Other works

Your Spark Of Life Witness

A Cup of Sugar

Sparks Flew Everywhere



Juergen K. Tossmann

Writing from a personal perspective as an immigrant, an artist, and a sexagenarian with longevity. Him/His https://www.linkedin.com/in/juergen